In [ ]:
def endPro():# The end funtion will run after the main function is running.
    print(" do you want to retsart ? ")# It will first asks the you if you want to restart.
    answer = input( "y or n?") # Then it will ask you wheather or not you want to continue by inputing y for yes and n for no
    if answer == "y":# If you would like to continue then it will give you the main function again to input an interger for the program to put into fibonacci numbers 
    elif answer == "n":# If you chose not to continue by typing in n then it will print have an amazing day
        print("have an amazing day :)")

def main():# This is where the main function starts
    fibOne = 0 # The first value of the sequence is 0 
    fibTwo= 1 # The second value of the sequence is 1 
    counter = 0 # This counts the number of loops until it reaches the fibInput
    fibList = [] # The intergers of the fibonacci sequeence will be displayed in the brackets
    fibInput = int(input(" Put in an integer to convert to fib"))# You will put the amount of integers you would like to be shown in 
                                            #- the fibonacci sequence 
    while counter < fibInput: # the while loop 
        fibList.append(fibOne)# this will show the integers of the fibonacci sequence in the brackets 
        hold = fibOne + fibTwo  
        fibOne = fibTwo 
        fibTwo = hold 
        counter += 1 
    print(fibList)  # This will show the final results after typing out the amount of integers you typed
    #This ends the main function